The principle and judgment criteria of measuring flat feet with 3D foot scanner

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The principle and judgment criteria of measuring flat feet with 3D foot scanner


The foot 3D scanner can scan and measure the foot from multiple dimensions. It uses laser scanning and only takes tens of seconds to complete the measurement of foot size and shape.

Among them, the core data for evaluating flat feet are arch height and contact area.

Arch index is one of the most common arch judgment criteria.

foot scanner

Its formula is as follows:

AI=M/ (A+M+H)

AI (arch index) represents the proportion of the midfoot contact area to the entire sole contact area.

A (forefoot area) represents the contact area of the forefoot (metatarsophalangeal joint area).

M (midfoot area) represents the contact area of the midfoot (arch area).

H (rearfoot area): represents the contact area of the rear heel area.

Its judgment criteria are as follows:

AI < 0.21, usually judged as high arch foot (arch too high).

0.21 ≤ AI ≤ 0.26, usually judged as normal arch.

AI > 0.26 is usually considered flat feet (collapsed arches).

Of course, there are other criteria for evaluating whether a person has flat feet, not just the above methods.

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